"Ensuring Your Web Presence Contributes"



Posicionamiento en Buscadores - SEO, Search Marketing

Obtenga encontrado! - creamos motor de búsqueda sitios que ayudan a su marketing en buscadores. Para una breve thumbnail este tema extenso, hay dos aspectos principales a SEO. En primer lugar (la parte fácil), en la optimización de la página es el área donde usted tiene control completo. Hay una manera de construir las páginas en términos de jerarquía, los meta tags y el ajuste de contenido fino, que puede tener un efecto directo en la clasificación de búsqueda.


Search Engine Optimisation - SEO, Search Marketing

Get found! - we create search engine friendly sites that assist your search marketing. To briefly thumbnail this extensive subject, there are two main aspects to SEO. Firstly (the easy bit), on page optimization is the area where you have complete control. There is a way to construct pages in terms of hierarchy, meta tags and content fine tuning, which can have a direct affect on search ranking.

admin's picture

SEO, the loooooooooong tail

Posted by admin on Tue 27 May 2008

This site is about web development. I provide web design and development services. It is optimized for words like "web development" plus my geographic location.

But this site is found most frequently by a phrase (or variation) to do with the difference between static and dynamic web sites. This is NOT what I anticipated.

However, if people are coming to my site from a google search for "difference between static and dynamic web sites", there must be a reason.
