"Ensuring Your Web Presence Contributes"



Multilingual websites

Currently the main language of the  Internet is English. However English is not the language spoken by most people on the planet. According to Wikipedia it comes in third place behind Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish.

This site is multilingual, it can switch between English and Spanish. There is no "marketing" reason for this, I don't think I will gain clients from being multilingual. It is an example and quite affordable with any competent Content Management System, in this case Drupal 7.


Drupal consultoría

Estamos familiarizados con el CMS Drupal (Content Management System) y ofrecer asesoría competitiva de desarrolladores de Drupal. Drupal es un CMS muy flexible, que podemos adaptar rápidamente a sus necesidades. Configuramos el sitio, activar y configurar módulos approriate y modificar themeing para adaptarse. Utilizamos CCK y puntos de vista ampliamente para contenido estructurado.

Debido a que es un sistema flexible, a menudo parece complicado cuando se encontró por primera vez. Hay una curva de aprendizaje para los recién llegados.

admin's picture

Drupal 7 taxonomy image links

Posted by admin on Sun 11 Dec 2011

Recently upgraded my site to d7 and wanted to have taxonomy images. This is extremely easy in Drupal 7 as you can add CCK fields to taxonomy. Some images used require a link back to the owner's website as a condition of use so I added a link field as well. Here is the taxonomy manage fields screen (goto edit vocabulary from structure, taxonomy):-


Drupal consulting

We are familiar with the Drupal CMS (Content Management System) and offer competitive Drupal developer consultancy. Drupal is an extremely flexible CMS, that we can quickly tailor to your requirements. We configure the site, enable and configure approriate modules and modify themeing to suit. We use CCK and views extensively for structured content.

Because it is such a flexible system, it often seems complicated when first encountered. There is a learning curve for newcomers.

admin's picture

Javascript code filter for Drupal

Posted by admin on Fri 27 Jun 2008

This was an explanation of how I wrote a Drupal5.n module to filter javascript code so that it displayed syntax highlighted. Drupal 7 has been released, this site has been upgraded and I decided to display programming code syntax highlighted using the GeShi PHP library. It caters for most languages and there is a geshifilter module to integrate the library into Drupal. Here are some examples:
